To Pray with Conscience, Do Good Deeds with a Sincere Heart, and Pray for World Peace with Love
Whereas the crisis of survival and environmental damage caused by evil thoughts have a profound impact on the sustain-able development of humankind and the Earth,
Whereas all living things are unique and come from the original source of life in the universe,
Whereas the equality and freedom of human beings to pursue the origin of their souls should be guaranteed by genuine human rights protections,
Whereas a secure and peaceful world depends on everyone's awakening of conscience, from which compassion and acts
of kindness are generated,
Whereas the compass of conscience provides guidance on life's journey, people shall light up their inner lights, help and love one another, and allow love and peace to prevail everywhere,
Whereas sincere and selfless prayers can awaken the purest source of human kindness, allowing the return of tranquility
and peace, initiate a positive cycle, and restore sustainability to the Earth,
Therefore, October 16 of each year is designated as "World Prayer Day" to encourage the people of the world to collec-tively pray for themselves, others, and the world, to restore their inherently pure hearts, to pray with their conscience, to do good deeds with sincere hearts, and to pray for the cessation of wars, for the end of epidemics and diseases, for the safety of everyone, for world peace, and for the coexistence and co-prosperity of all, so that the positive energy of the universe will lead the Earth to the path of sustainable development.