Federation of World Peace and Love

International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief - August 22, 2024

Conscience Leading the Way: Protecting Human Rights and Safeguarding Freedom of Belief


Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
August 22, 2024



Distinguished guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone!

In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly declared August 22 as the 'International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.' The aim is to raise global awareness of the issue of religious persecution, to mourn the victims of violence due to their religious beliefs, and to promote religious diversity and inclusiveness. This commemorative day calls on the international community to take action to protect religious freedom, emphasizing the responsibility of all countries to promote and protect human rights. Regardless of the size of religious groups, they must be respected, religious persecution must be stopped, peace must be promoted, and a world of mutual understanding must be established.

Religious beliefs pertain to the strength of people's spirits and are inherently a matter of individual freedom. The degree of tolerance for diverse religious beliefs reflects the progress of society, democracy and human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights safeguards freedom of religion and belief, freedom of speech, the right to peaceful assembly, and freedom of association. These rights are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Enhancing and strengthening human rights education is key to preventing intolerance, discrimination, and violence against religion or belief.

Unfortunately, cases of state power persecuting religious freedom still exist. In some instances, religion is intertwined with political power, becoming a means for rulers to control the people; in others, the judiciary and tax laws are misused to persecute and suppress minority faith groups. The essence of many religions stems from reverence for the heaven and the earth, aiming to provide spiritual support and encourage people to act with goodness. Conscience becomes the common root of different religious beliefs.

Conscience is innate, and inherent human rights affirm that everyone is born equal. The scale of conscience transcends worldly laws and is the sole arbiter between heaven and earth. It serves as the moral and ethical guide within each person's heart, helping us discern right from wrong and correct our behavior. Conscience leads us to respect each person's religious beliefs, culture, and values; it promotes love and empathy, encourages caring for and supporting those in distress, and demonstrates deep concern for humanity worldwide. It advocates resolving conflicts peacefully, fostering interfaith dialogue and reconciliation, while reducing violence, discrimination, and hostility. The culture of conscience believes that education is key to shaping moral views and promoting social change, expanding human rights education and awareness, ending human rights abuses, and safeguarding religious freedom to create a harmonious world. Through conscience education, we can cultivate tolerance, empathy, and gratitude, establishing an attitude of respect and inclusivity between individuals and all beings.

Since 1999, I have led the 'World Love and Peace Cultural Goodwill Group' to over a hundred countries, promoting a culture of conscience based on love and peace. We have organized 'Bell of World Peace and Love' ringing ceremonies, encouraging leaders from various nations and fields to make and fulfill their wishes. These activities not only promotes cultural exchange but also fosters valuable friendships with like-minded individuals from around the world, working together for a safer future. Through our actions, we demonstrate the positive power that transcends borders and beliefs, strengthening and perpetuating a global culture of conscience and peace.

On December 19, 2022, I proclaimed the 'International Day Against the Abuse of Judicial and Tax Powers for Human Rights Violations,' in conjunction with the 'International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.' The aim is to urge the international community to pay attention to victims of human rights abuses perpetrated by state authorities, prohibiting governments from using judicial and tax powers to persecute or discriminate against individuals or groups. It calls on people to respect conscience and uphold human dignity, to enhance the effectiveness of relief systems and international monitoring mechanisms, and to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international conventions. This ensures the protection of basic and fair tax rights, as well as the rights to religious, belief, and freedom of speech, and cultural development. Let us unite and support victims of religious persecution and various human rights abuses worldwide, reshape a just society, and collectively build a conscientious world free from persecution, and filled with love and peace.

May conscience always accompany us,

May freedom of belief be upheld,

May justice always prevail,

May peace reign throughout the world.