Federation of World Peace and Love

Pastor/ Evangelist Steven Sebyala
Africa Harvest Mission, Inc, Uganda

Peace and love, the world as on person

Gloria Starr Kins
Editor- In- Chief I UN Correspondent

My wish is Abraham Accords more and more every day through education and cultural sharing.

H.E. Mr. Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja
Ambassador / Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the United Nations (6:00-6:30PM)

I wish for Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the whole world.

Ambassador Bocchit Edmond
Ambassador / The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti to the USA

We are all looking for a world of peace, free from violence and conflict. It is time now for all of us to work assiduously to achieve it. So, let us put aside our differences to walk shoulder to shoulder on the path of peace and love.The future generation will be for ever grateful for such a legacy that we will leave for them. May peace and love always triumph.

Dr. Tommie Thompson
President & Chief / Solutions Provider, Bazilio Cobb Associates

Praying for Gods. Grace for All in Christ. Abundance.

Ambassador, Dr. Keith E. Rolle
Founder, President, Executive Director / Royal Ambassador Ministries

I wish the gift of life, clean drining water, elimination of proverty, prosperity & health & wellness for all mankind.

Mr. Manuel Oancia
President / the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights

I wishing that people learn to become grateful and that help us to have a better place on earth.

Mrs. Nilima Mehra
Producer / Hostess / Global Television Network Inc.

At birth we are wrapped in a secure blanket of warmth & love. As we grow with time we search for prosperity-joy-glory-wisdom-peace-unity-love-harmony and happiness. I tell the world most expensive thing in the world is not your wealth, not diamond or gold. It’s happiness-love-peace and harmony. Today, we the people should pray and be one with no partitions and no barriers. Humanity should dictate that this world, be one and only one nation, and to this I say united we stand, divided we fall, so hand in hand this globe should be-stand for love-peace-harmony for a better of life.

Jan du Plain
Dean / The international caucus of ambassadors to the USA180 US embassies

A bell is not a bell until you ring it. A song is not a song until you sing it. And love was not meant to stay, so love isn't love until yo give it away.

Ms. Isabelle Vladoiu
Founder / the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights

I wish for every child to have the opportunity of education for all. Only through education, peace will prevail in the world.