Federation of World Peace and Love

Celebrating the 53rd Anniversary of the First Earth Day
Protecting the Earth with Conscience to Promote Sustainable Well-being for All

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
April 22, 2023


Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good day!

“International Mother Earth Day” aims to inspire people around the world to love the Earth, protect our homes, and promote a healthy balance of resource usage and environmental protection. The theme of Earth Day 2023 is “Invest in Our Planet,” carrying forward the theme of 2022, reaffirming that there is no time to waste in safeguarding the planet and that the citizens of the world must invest their time, resources, and energy to addressing climate change and other environmental challenges. This is the foundation for the survival and sustainability of humans and other living things, and we should work together to restore a healthy, happy environment and harmoniously coexist with nature.

Many years ago, the sight of starving, skinny polar bears climbing on the sea ice drew worldwide attention, and people began to notice unusual climate, melting glaciers, and island nations threated by submersion due to rising sea levels, among other phenomena. The world is now more prosperous and advanced than at any other point in human history, but its overall development has become unbalanced, placing the burden of population growth on Mother Earth. Additionally, a minority of people are preoccupied with satisfying their immediate needs and desires, taking whatever they want from the environment and resources at the expense of the survival of the majority of people, future generations, and other beings on the planet. Millions of people have become refugees and homeless as a result of wars and conflicts. Climate change and environmental pollution have undermined development, and the vicious cycle has resulted in frequent occurrences of natural and man-made disasters, which have a profound impact on the citizens of the Earth and all living beings.

Despite the fact that this year marks the 53rd anniversary of the first Earth Day, the environmental pollution and ecological crisis that the Earth and humans are facing is worsening. The environment is rapidly degrading, with one new environmental challenge after another emerging. This indicates that there is a gap between "knowing" and "acting." The future of the Earth is in each of our hands, and we must act quickly to make amends for the damage to the planet. Everyone is responsible for taking more active and comprehensive actions. We need to collaborate and follow our conscience to find the wisdom of balance in a rapidly changing world and give nature a chance to recover while creating opportunities for a brighter future for humanity, allowing all living beings on Earth to coexist and thrive.

There is only one Earth. We live in a world where we are all interconnected and interdependent. In 2023, during the post-pandemic era, there is a growing desire within humanity to establish a new global order, and now is the time to make comprehensive changes! Our future is related to the present. We need to pay attention to climate change and global warming, and it is our responsibility and obligation to take immediate, environmentally friendly actions in food, clothing, housing, and transportation. As global citizens, we have both the right and the duty to speak out. Individual attitudes and actions will have a knock-on effect on the ecosystem as well as businesses and governments. It is critical to formulate strong environmental, social, and corporate governance actions, so that people and businesses can move toward sustainable development.

Our world requires transformation, and action at all levels is required to generate true power for change for the benefit of all beings. Global solidarity can make a significant difference. Just like the movement of “An Era of Conscience” that we have been promoting since 2014, we have strived to make conscience education prevail at all levels of society. We need to practice kindness in our daily lives and realize our hopes. We also need to uphold conscience and maintain a balance among natural resources and the ecosystem so that nature and humans can coexist, prosper, and truly develop sustainably.

The key to sustainable development is human conscience and actions. To achieve the sustainable development goals by 2030 will require all countries to protect the Earth and ensure humanity’s continued existence while advancing technology and fostering economic growth. As everyone's conscience awakens and as there is greater global solidarity, people will pressure governments to make the right decisions and adopt the correct policies.

People first took to the streets on April 22, 1970, to demand a sustainable future for the benefit of the environment, and this civil movement is still going strong on April 22, 2023. To continue moving forward, everyone's participation is necessary. At this critical time, let us stay informed, take immediate actions, protect the Earth with conscience, and unite global citizens to promote sustainable well-being for all!

Thank you all!