Federation of World Peace and Love

Celebrating International Women’s Day
Improving Humanity's Well-Being Together with Conscience and the Power of Hope

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
March 8, 2023


Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good day!

International Women’s Day is a symbol of women’s worldwide struggle for human rights. It began on March 8, 1857, when New York women workers protested against long working hours, low pay, and inhumane working conditions. The women’s movement, beyond being a fight for cultural, political, educational, occupational, and electoral equality for women, has also promoted gender equality. International Women's Day is an expression of respect and love for women around the world, thanking them for their extraordinary courage and determination to shape global, national, and community development, while building on the foundations already established and calling for just and fair change, not only to protect women's rights, but also to promote and implement the well-being of all people.

The theme of International Women’s Day 2023 is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” which investigates the impact of the digital knowledge gap between genders in worsening economic and social inequality and focuses on how to defend women’s rights in the digital world, as well as to address gender-based violence in online and communications technology. Women currently make up nearly half of the world’s population, but 259 million fewer women than men have the opportunity to develop digital skills, and women hold only 22 percent of jobs in artificial intelligence. However, by 2050, it is estimated that 75 percent of all jobs will be in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.

According to a UN Women’s report on genders, the exclusion of women from the digital world has reduced the GDP of low- and middle-income countries by $1 trillion over the past decade. If nothing is done, this loss will rise to $1.5 trillion by 2025. There is also the issue of cyber violence. A study of 51 countries showed that 38% of women had personally experienced cyberbullying. Therefore, the development of innovation, technology, and digital education, as well as the adoption of approaches that promote gender equality, can enhance respect for women's rights and women's awareness of their human rights and civic participation. As more and more information is transmitted through digital channels, it is especially important to use the Internet to convey the right values of gender equality and mutual respect at a time of generational transformation.

In the face of natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, and wars around the world, women, as caregivers, are the first to bear the brunt of the challenges, which also affects children, the elderly, men, and all citizens of the world. In these times of crisis, global citizens must work together and learn from women’s bravery, perseverance, patience, tenderness, and love for the world in order to overcome adversity and bring about peace.

We should cherish life and treat everyone equally without gender bias. To achieve a state of balance between yin and yang and harmony for the benefit of all people, we must learn the law of nature, understand each other, respect each other, and integrate differences. Looking to the future, we hope that everyone will realize that the essence of life resides in conscience, so we should promote conscience education worldwide, encourage everyone to act with conscience, and work together to foster a culture of conscience and peace. Conscience will guide us to distinguish between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, and good and bad. Every citizen of the world, regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, politics, nationality, or status, should protect their precious conscience and treat one another with respect, fairness, and tolerance, encourage good deeds, and work together for justice and righteousness. When gender equality is achieved, universal education is implemented, justice prevails, and human rights are realized in society, a peaceful and sustainable world is not far away.

Let us encourage one another to use good intentions to turn the key of conscience hidden deep within everyone’s heart to unlock humans’ inherent kindness and guide people to fulfill their wishes and help the world. We wish women all over the world a happy International Women’s Day!

We wish you, us, and everyone else all the best!

May everyone, every nation, and the entire world be blessed with peace!