Federation of World Peace and Love

Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

H.E. Dr. Jorge Amado

Ambassador, Embassy of Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe in Taiwan

Sao Tome and Principe

For five centuries, the people of Sao Tome have experienced the difficult and heroic fight against the colonial domination for the liberation of their homeland, national independence, sovereignty, restoration of usurped rights and the reaffirmation of human dignity and personality of Africa. The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe is now an independent sovereign state, committed to build a free society with justice and solidarity in defense of human rights and their active solidarity among all people.

In Sao Tome and Principe, all citizens are equal before the law, enjoying the same rights and subjecting to the same duties without distinction of origin, race, sex, political belief, religion or philosophical conviction. Women of Sao Tome are equal to men in rights and duties and shall be guaranteed full participation in political, economic, social and cultural life.

The moral and physical integrity of people is inviolable. No one shall be subjected to receive torture, sick, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Everyone has the right to express themselves freely and disseminate his thoughts through words, images or other means. The State shall guarantee every citizen through the social security system for the right of health insurance for disability, old age, widowhood, orphanage and other cases provided by law, and all international treaties of human rights are also adopted by the state of Sao Tome.

However, there is no exception that there are people who violate the human rights with violence and bad temper toward people in the country of Sao Tome and Principe. For such cases, the evidence has shown that poverty is one of the reasons to cause the violation of human rights. It is mostly caused by the lack of tolerance, attitude of indifference, ignorance, arrogance, selfishness, greedy and ill will toward other people. As the law exists globally, people in all nations find themselves oblige to adopt to the fundamental laws of human rights.

Another way of the practice of the human rights in the world is that those who govern in top and higher positions set the good examples to respect human rights in order for all men, women and children to have the good references of roles to follow. Therefore, the good example of role is the best and the most efficient way to show people how to respect the human rights. If everyone lives out the good role and speaks the good words then the relationship between all people becoming the true bridge for the understanding of the respect to the human rights.


Finally, it is truly the responsibilities of every citizen in the world to take care of the protection of human rights. We all need to express the everlasting values of the pearl of seriousness, respect, dignity, condescension, good will, kindness, love, friendship and solidarity in order to promote and present the true practices about human rights.