Federation of World Peace and Love

The Energy Boys and Energy Girls of the Energy Family Instill a super surge of energy into the 5th Youth Assembly at the UN


The 5th Annual Youth Assembly was held at the United Nations in New York from August 12 to 14, with more than 700 hundred young people from 56 countries participating in the meeting, where they held seminars, round table discussions, UN tours, etc. to address the issue of the UN Millennium Development Goals and how the youth can contribute toward the goals.

Dr. Elaine Valdov, co-founder of the 5 th th Youth Assembly at the UN cordially invited the dizi (similar to students) of Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love and the leader of Tai Ji Men, to take park in this international meeting. Dr. Hong especially wrote an article entitled “A Path of Guidance: Assisting the Youth in Taking Steps into the World” for this assembly. In his article, he mentioned, “Today's discussion on the peace education of the heart is of great significance. This is an important milestone for the young generation because it will face even more difficult environments and missions than our generation does. We need to assist the youth in taking their roles in the world at a faster speed, to gather the youth leaders of the world and make them understand the current situations, and to awaken the energy of a pure heart.”

Nineteen members of FOWPAL as well as of Tai Ji Men, dressed in bright orange jackets and blue jeans, transformed into Energy Boys and Energy Girls and gave an energetic “Energy Salute” to wish all participants endless energy with joy and serenity. The bright smiles on their faces instilled endless energy into the assembly. At the Global Peace Festival on the closing day of August 14, they presented a short video entitled “Sunshine and Drizzles,” which enabled the participating youth from all over the world to contemplate the natural disasters and made-made calamities we face today and encouraged everyone to take concrete actions and to think good thoughts to turn the world's destiny around.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love and the leader of Tai Ji Men, mentioned in his speech at the 2008 Youth Seminar on Love and Peace as well as in his article at the 5 th th Youth Assembly at the UN on August 11th, “A pure heart is the cornerstone of acquiring energy.” The FOWPAL youth just used such a pure heart to bring a great amount of energy to the United Nations to awaken the hidden energy in the depths of the world people's hearts and to enable people to find the way to better themselves and the world.