Federation of World Peace and Love

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Professor Eileen Barker, OBE, FBA
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, London School of Economics

"May the incredible strength of peace spread throughout the world"

Republic of San Marino
Mr. Fabio Righi
Minister of State for Industry, Handicraft and Trade, Technological Research and Regulatory Simplification of San Marino

Che le persone possano riscoprire il desiderio di un impegno attivo e responsabile verso la politica e la cosa pubblica per poter essere protagonisti del cambiamento di cui il mondo ha necessità.

May people rediscover the desire for an active and responsible engagement with politics and public affairs, so that they can become the  protagonists of the change the world needs.

Republic of Mauritius
H.E. Mr Marie Cyril Eddy Boissezon, GOSK
Vice-President of the Republic of Mauritius

The world remembers eminent persons such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, for their quest for worldwide global peace.  Today dream a world of Justice, peace and liberty are the milestone of every human endeavor.  In God, we find peace and love.  

Republic of Ghana
Rt. Hon. Mr Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin
Speaker of the Parliament, Republic of Ghana

Peace is foundation of satisfaction, fulfillment and achievements. Let’s live in peace and love for long years.

United States of America
Mr. Victor M. Gordo
Mayor of the City of Pasadena

I wish for peace for all, the world people of all.

United States of America
Ms. Jane Olson
Former Board Chair of Human Rights Watch 2004-2010; Chair, Landmine Survivors Network 1998-2010; Board Member, Pacific Council on International Policy

I wish for all world citizens to recongnize and celebrate. They are all one human family, each one dserserving of love and respect. May love and peace prevail.

Kingdom of Belgium
Mr. Willy Fautré
Director of Human Rights Without Frontiers

My wish goes to the people who has the noble but dangerous mission to teach like Dr. hong. My wish is that they enjoy special protection.

United States of America
Ms. Lisa M. Gillmor
Mayor of Santa Clara

I wish for religious freedom, social justice, human rights. And most of all health and peace for our community, spreading love and kindness throughout Santa Clara.

United States of America
Ms. Hung Wei
Mayor of Cupertino

Wish all people in the world have shelter, food, love, family & friends. Wish the world is filled with laughter, friendship, & peaceful enjoyment!

Republic of Tunisia
Mr. Abdessattar Ben Moussa
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015 / President of Tunisian Human Rights League

Love is the best ambassador of peace, this is why we wish for the achievement of peace through love and friendship, but the wish is not enough, this is why we must work to build culture of and peace through dialogue between peoples and protecting nature, condemning violence, hatred and racism and campaigning to stop wars and annihilate destructive weapons.