We want peace in the world. This is starting in schools and we want future leaders to have competencies to arrange peace and advocate love & peace in the world.

Que las escuelas sean territorios seguros, que el monstruo de la guerra no perturbe a ningún niño, a ninguna niña ni acalle sus sonrisas.
( I hope all schools will be safe territory so that neither boys nor girls will be bothered by the war and that they will not lose their smiles because of the war.)

A través del diálogo, la empatía, la solidaridad y el amor es el camino para alcanzar la paz que todos anhelamos.
(Through dialogue, empathy, solidarity and love, we will reach the path of peace we want.)

Por una escucha, atenta respecto a la diferencia y acciones que contribuyen a una mejor convivencia a favor de todos.
(For attentive listening, respecting differences, and actions could contribute to better coexistence for the benefit of all.)

La paz, signo de amor, debe multiplicarse para el bienestar de la humanidad.
(Peace, a sign of love, must multiply for the well-being of humanity.)

Peace promotion through education and harmony.

Todos los seres humanos debemos construir la PAZ en el mundo, para vivirla a plenitud y permitir que las sociedades se desarrollen brindándoles a sus habitantes la seguridad, el trabajo, el bienestar y el AMOR que necesitamos TODOS!
(All human beings must work to build peace in the world, so that societies develop fully and allow their inhabitants to have the security, work, and love that we all need.)

For a world without malnutrition, the peace starts when children could start play, sharing and care among each other.

As Minister for Regional Cooperation and Research, I, Didier Mazenga, extend my heartfelt gratitude to this esteemed organization, which tirelessly champions the cause of global peace. In my own journey, the mission to facilitate and restore lasting peace in Chad stands as a testament to this shared vision. May we continue to work together for a world grounded in peace and love.

It is my wish that people of all race, nations and color live in harmony peace and love.