It is my wish that people of all race, nations and color live in harmony peace and love.

I wish for progress in Africa where all the action plans for helping and supporting us will be changed to suit and make impact on us with this peace will rain in the world.

I desire peace for our entire nation Nigeria, staring from our children to our women.

I wish more peace and love to the world especially countries that are currently struggling with conflict that is affecting humanity.

I wish for a world where love is stronger than hate. I wish for a world where every person every community chooses peace over conflict. I wish for a world that builds a future where we embrace our shared humanity.

To end the cycle of generational trauma in our communities through equitable resources , peace , love, unity and hope.

It is my wish that all people receive justice and reparations for all harms and damages suffered. Without reparations there is no justice. Without justice there is no peace.

High quality healthcare access and reduction of health disparities for all.

World Peace.

“No more wars” Peace throughout the world.