Celebrating the United Nations’ designation of April 5 as the International Day of Conscience
Declaration of International Day of Conscience
Number of Endorsement: 73880
Declaration of International Day of Conscience
Promoting the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience
A century has passed since the end of World War I, as well as seven decades since the end of World War II; the devastation of war deepens people's aspirations for peace. Humanity's pursuit of peace has never stopped, yet the world remains tumultuous.
Interdependent and interconnected, all world citizens are encouraged to face international and national crises with compassion, bravery, and genuine wisdom as they actively seek peace and harmony as well as multi-win plans to benefit Mother Earth and all people.
Love and peace advance the well-being of the people of the world, and they are the most important cornerstones of global sustainability. All world citizens are encouraged to nurture love in their hearts to strike a balance in the enhancement of economic, social, cultural, spiritual, technological, and educational development.
Conscience is the wellspring of love; it is essential to awaken world citizens' conscience to promote love, tolerance, acceptance, and care among people, thus enhancing friendships, family bonds, and international relationships, which facilitates a united world, where all people work together for the common good.
An excellent culture is the foundation of a quality education, which is essential for sustainable economic development. Countries are encouraged to promote a culture of conscience and incorporate the best aspects of other cultures and education systems to improve national economies.
When the majority of people follow their conscience and dedicate themselves to spreading love, fostering coexistence regardless of differences, using wisdom to resolve conflicts, and inspiring others to act similarly, the world can achieve peace.
Now, Therefore, the Federation of World Peace and Love proclaims April 5th as the "International Day of Conscience" to remind people to listen to their conscience and encourage them to celebrate the day by taking time for self-reflection with objectives of achieving inner peace, holding love and conscience education programs, and fostering universal ceasefire to facilitate peace talks so that everyone's conscience will be awakened and the world will become peaceful.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
Global Launch on February 5, 2019, UNHQ